Days of Changes

As most of you know, we are re-locating Long Beach Community Acupuncture. It is an exciting move for us and, perhaps, a little bittersweet. Downtown Long Beach served us well, for the most part, so that we could build this practice to serve you. Over the last week, many people have expressed how much this clinic space has meant to them and I have deeply appreciated hearing what their experiences have been like over the last 5 years here.

I will miss lots of things about this space. I remember the very early days wondering if the room would fill up with people. It didn’t take too long, but those first months with just 2 or 5 treatments in a day stoked my fire for community acupuncture. I could tell something good was happening for patients and for me. The talented and generous journalist, Anne Proffit, found LBCA, wrote an article about us for Long Beach Post, and things picked up quickly. During that time, Diane Gershuny, PR maven of small business, connected us with the Long Beach Business Journal, and supported this idea of community acupuncture. She has since passed away, but I will always remember her genuine interest and help to me as a new business owner.

Our new address 1703 Termino Ave, #104, is smaller, more contained, and I know it will generate all kinds of transformation for us. Any physical space dictates how you can treat in that environment. Some things will change about our services, so please read on. Our goal remains: to provide high-quality, affordable acupuncture that is accessible to you. I look forward to seeing you all soon in our new clinic and hope you like it as much as we do!

Fee Changes: Starting October 15 our sliding scale fee will begin at $20 and range to $50. The $10 initial consultation fee remains the same. However, our “no-show” and “late cancellation fee” will rise to $20 as well. Like all medical practices, we save your appointment time just for you and rarely recoup the loss of revenue when someone misses a scheduled appointment. We appreciate your thoughtful scheduling and understanding of this policy.

Appointments Only: We will only accept patients with appointments.  As our chair space is limited in our new building, we do not have extra room for walk-in patients or people bringing friends or family not on the schedule. Please make sure you get a confirmation email and a reminder email stating your appointment time. If you don’t, the appointment probably wasn’t booked correctly. Be sure to check spam and junk mail too! And, if you haven’t refreshed your Schedulicity app, then be sure to do so, as it will update all availability.

Resting Times:  We have always guaranteed an hour-long rest and will continue that service. Longer times will not be possible, given our limited space. As always, we require at least a 30 minute rest for the needles to do their work, so make sure and give yourself enough time to receive the most benefit.

Schedule Changes: Nirva and I have been treating on the same schedule for over a year and are in need of change ourselves. We are in the final stages of working this out, so thanks for your patience. We will post the new schedule as soon as we have it. There will likely be days that we alternate during the week, so please be sure to book appropriately if you have a preference but remember that we DO work as a team to coordinate your care.

New Services: We will now offer cupping and gua sha at our clinic on Thursdays. This is also by appointment only. We may not have all of our materials in place by October 15 to begin this service, but will let you know as soon as we do!

New Products: Nirva and I are both big fans of Chinese herbs and we will be bringing in some single ingredient raw herbs to use that taste great and make for easy and useful ways to include them in your health regimen.

If you have any questions, please ask us. There are lots of details we are still figuring out.

Thanks again for all of your support and sharing our excitement about our new clinic! We look forward to seeing you there!